PARADISE HONORS KIDS HEART CHALLENGE UPDATE! We are so proud of you Paradise heart heroes, you are doing an amazing job of Being the Torch in taking care of your heart, helping those with special hearts and completing Finn’s Mission. We have a very special announcement! GUESS WHAT, we have officially surpassed 25 Finn’s Mission completed to pull the first teacher name to join the Principal’s and Coaches in the Silly String Squad! Drum roll…. Mrs. Manzara will be silly stringed! HOW EXCITING! We will continue to pull a teacher name to join in the Silly String Squad every 25 Finn’s Mission completed all the way to our goal of 150!


Thank you and congratulations to the 36 students who have already completed all 8 steps of Finn’s Mission! Don’t Forget, when we reach our goal of 150 students, all students who complete Finn’s Mission will get a FUN DRESS DAY! Make sure to complete Finn’s Mission TONIGHT as we will be announcing those students each week during Kids Heart Challenge! Watch this Finn’s Mission video to learn more!


Visit our school page at or download the KHC app to join.