GUESS WHAT, there are 59 students who have completed Finn’s Mission so far! It is time to pull the SECOND teacher’s name to join the Principal’s and Coaches in the Silly String Squad! Drum roll…. Mrs. Hennessey will be silly stringed! Help your student complete Finn’s Mission TONIGHT to reach our next benchmark of 75 and pull another teacher name! REMEMBER, when we reach our goal of 150 students, all students who complete Finn’s Mission will get a FUN DRESS DAY! GOLDEN EGG UPDATE: another golden egg has been found at Paradise Honors, congratulations Kayden Cruz! Who will find the next golden egg in their Bonus Mystery Gift?
Earn Frankie, the limited-edition XL Heart Hero when you raise $150+!
Thank you for all your heart work, Paradise Heart Heroes! Visit our school page at or download the KHC app to join.