Sept 1st- Patriotic Shirt Day
Sept. 4th- No School Due to Labor Day
Sept. 5th-19th- Pantry & Water Drive- Sponsored by NEHS
Sept. 6th & 7th No Clubs
Sept. 6th & 20th StuCo Meeting
Sept. 5th-8th Parent/ Teacher Conference Week
Sept. 7th & 8th Early Release at 11:30 a.m. (no lunches served)
Sept 11th- Patriotic Shirt Day in Honor of 911
Sept. 13th & 14th- Clubs
Sept. 15th- DOT Day Sponsored by the ART Dept.
Sept. 15th PEP Family Game Night- Sponsored by PEP Booster
Sept. 20th- PEP Booster Meeting
Sept. 20th & 21st - Clubs
Sept. 21st- NEHS Induction Ceremony
Sept 22nd- Pantry & Water Drive Non- Uniform Day
Sept. 26th-Double Dollar for Duds
Sept. 27th- Cubs Cash
Sept. 27th & 28th- Clubs
Sept. 27th- 5th Grade Parent Meeting